2025 Competitor Info | Contact Us

Here you can find the most frequently asked questions and answers to them. Before contacting us, please read them through.

You will find contact info from the bottom of this page.


Q: The main event is 3 days? And 3 different courses? Why there are dates for 10 days?
A: Yes, that is correct. Let’s clear it out. Tyyni event is a full ten days festival of disc golf from Thursday 19th to Saturday 28th of June. The Tyyni week contains multiple separate side-events like One Round PDGA C-tiers, Evening Doubles and even events played in the middle of the Finland’s nightless night.

Tyyni main event will feature three different courses for all three rounds on every division. One different course per each day.

Q: But I do not want to play 10 days. I want to play one day. Or just the full event.
A: You can do that! Come and participate on as many events you wish to! The side-events during the week are open for all participants and not limited to those who are playing in the main event. You can come and enjoy just one round of fun disc golf with friends in a friendly competition or grind your buttocks out of disc golf during the whole ten days!

Q: How about the registration?
A: Registration for the main event will be available via Disc Golf Scene in January 2025. Early Bird tickets for the registration will be sold in NBDG online store in December 2024 (sale ended on December 31, 2024). Link for the registration page is here.

Q: Is there some rules to know about?
A: Yes, of course. At Tyyni we are following current PDGA rules and competition manual.

Q: Do I need PDGA membership or something else?
A: Yes, Tyyni main event is a PDGA B-tier sanctioned event and among PDGA rules you must have a current PDGA membership. Current PDGA membership is required while playing the event (not during the registration process). During the event, Finnish competition licence is also required from Finnish players.

Q: How long should I stay there?
A: We suggest to take enough time for your trip and get all out of the Tyyni experience. If you are going to play at Tyyni, it is suggested to start your Tyyni around 19th of June. Join in on the action of the Finland’s Midsummer celebrations at Sibbe Disc Golf. The traditional Jussin Kisat (two-days PDGA C-tier event) is being played for the tenth time during Midsummer! Start the week with some Tyyni One Rounds, then give your best at Tyyni main event and enjoy the entire week. Book your trip back home for Sunday 29th of June.

Q: What about all the side events? When can I register for those?
A: Registrations for Tyyni One Rounds and other side events will be opened during spring 2025. Follow our releases on Tyyni website and be ready when the registrations begin. Event schedule will be updated regularly for more information.

Q: When you are going to post tee-times?
A: Tee-times for the first round will be posted at the latest on Tuesday or Wednesday of the event week. Tee-times for second and third rounds are posted on previous evening, after all groups and courses have finished.

Q: Can I play with my friend/brother/mother-in-law? Can I play in the last groups because I am lazy to wake up?
A: You can’t choose your tee-time or your group. It is formed by gods of randomizing.

Q: I can’t find answer here. What to do?
A: You can contact us via email to contact@tyyni.com.


Tyyni main event, pro divisions

  • Money prizes
  • Payout 50–70 % depending on the entry fee tier
  • VAT and Finnish Disc Golf Association’s processing fee 3,00 € and course fee 15,00 € is deducted before calculating the payout
  • Prize pool will be 30,00 € per player in each division
  • Top 25 % of players per division are paid
  • An amateur player can exchange a money prize for a voucher prize to protect their amateur status

    Tyyni main event, amateur divisions

    • PDGA sanctioned true amateur event in amateur divisions
    • Pros playing am rule is valid
    • “True Amateur” means that the event is trophy only
    • Payout in every amateur division will be over 100 % (player packs, trophies etc. value is included)
    • Bonus voucher prizes for the top three in each division

    Notice! Withholding tax 15 % will be reduced from foreign players prizes.